
Live Resin in the Workplace and How Employers Should Handle It

By riley on April 6, 2023 0 Comments

The use of Cannabis has become very popular that it now raises concerns for employers who are in charge of ensuring a secure and effective workplace.  This article will go over some important ideas on how companies may make sure they are abiding by the law and offering a secure workplace for staff members who desire to use cannabis concentrate.

As more states legalize medical marijuana and some even permit recreational use, the live resin becomes more widely accessible. People have been starting to smoke from the live resin cart at work. Because of this, employers must find ways to handle CBD use in the workplace.

The Legality

CBD product legality varies from state to state and country to country. While some states may permit marijuana for medical reasons, others have also authorized recreational use. Before allowing employees to bring CBD products into the workplace or consume them during working hours, employers should always check their local laws.

Employer Responsibilities

Employers may be concerned about using vaping CBD products in the workplace. Vaping entails inhaling a vaporized liquid that may contain CBD or other substances. Here are some things that companies should take into account when it comes to vaping CBD at work:

Legal Considerations: Employers should be informed of potential legal repercussions before penalizing staff members for using CBD. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or state disability legislation may protect an employee who uses CBD for medical reasons. To ascertain whether the use of CBD is connected to a disability and whether reasonable adjustments may be made, employers should speak with employees.

Workplace Safety: Companies should teach their employees about proper dosage levels and the potential side effects of overconsumption or misuse, especially if they will be operating machinery or driving vehicles after consuming these substances. Vaping CBD products can impair job performance and increase safety risks, mainly if employees use heavy machinery or perform other risky tasks. Employers should consider enacting a policy prohibiting CBD vaping products in the workplace.

Educating Employees: Employers should inform employees about the potential risks and benefits of CBD products, including vaping CBD. This includes advising customers about the THC content of various products and how it can affect job performance. Employers should also ensure employees know company policies concerning CBD use in the workplace, including using vaping CBD products.

Testing: Employers may conduct drug testing to maintain a safe and productive workplace. Employers should consider the consequences of drug testing for employees who use CBD products and whether alternative testing methods are available.

To conclude, employers should proceed cautiously regarding CBD use in the workplace, considering the legal and safety implications. While being open to making concessions for medical use, employers may want to set a policy that forbids the use of CBD products at work. Employers should prioritize employee safety and productivity while also respecting individual employees’ rights and needs. They should contribute to ensuring a safe and productive workplace while supporting staff who may benefit from the use of cannabis cncentrate.